 Important dates
 Themes &                           Keynote  Speakers
 Conference Chairman
 Conference Program
 Social Program
 DAWG Forum 
 Paper submission
 General information
 Conference venue
 Conference Secretariat
 Brazil and São Paulo






An efficient transport infrastructure system is a key requirement of economic development in every country around the world. Transport facilities and infrastructures are currently the main meeting point of all governments, which seek to preserve the large infrastructure investment and to maintain the existing transport infrastructures at a high level of service.

The common issue is the need to provide a sustainable transportation infrastructure system, covering all modes of transportation to meet the needs of modern society.

Thus, aware of the importance of sustainable transportation infrastructure, iSMARTi, the international Society for Maintenance And Rehabilitation of Transport infrastructures, is launching the Second ICTI - International Conference on Transport Infrastructures, to be held in São Paulo, Brazil, from the 4th to the 6th of August 2010.


Do not miss ICTI2010 from 4-6 August, in São Paulo!


Under the Auspices of                                    With the Support of

                   CONINFRA 2009 - 3º Congresso de Infraestrutura de Transportes    




Last update: 30-Jul-2010