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 DAWG Forum 
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 Brazil and São Paulo



Data Analysis Working Group (the DAWG)


The Transportation Research Board's Data Analysis Working Group - the TRB DAWG - will conduct a forum on pavement performance data analysis in conjunction with the 2nd International Conference on Transport Infrastructures (ICTI).


Abstracts describing ongoing and unfinished pavement research, with incomplete or preliminary results, are welcome as candidates for presentation at the Forum on Pavement Performance Data Analysis that will be held on August 4.  The Data Analysis Working Group (the DAWG), which is a Standing Committee of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), will conduct this forum.  There is no timetable or deadline for submission of DAWG abstracts, and they are welcome at any time until the agenda of the DAWG Forum is filled.  For more information about the DAWG or an abstract form, please go to  http://www.trb.org/PolicyStudies/Public/AbouttheDataAnalysisWorkingGroupDAWG.aspx .


Please include the DAWG Forum in your plans for attending ICTI!!


DAWG Forum Announcement



Last update: 24-Mai-2010