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 Paper submission
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 Brazil and São Paulo


Paper submission

Submission of Papers - ICTI2010

After having received acceptance of your abstract by email, you can send your full papert to: ICTI2010@civil.uminho.pt as a Word document, until April, 25th 2010.

Abstract: Title: Times New Roman 16 pt, aligned left; First Author’s name (12 pt), affiliation in the following line (10 pt). Other authors repeat this procedure.
Abstracts: maximum 300 words (12 pt). One line for KEYWORDS.


Please download the Guidelines for Authors here.


Please download the Template here


Submission of Abstracts - DAWG Forum

Abstracts describing ongoing and unfinished pavement research, with incomplete or preliminary results, are welcome as candidates for presentation at the Forum on Pavement Performance Data Analysis that will be held on August 4.

Click here to obtain further information on the DAWG Forum



Last update: 13-Jul-2010